Here are two stories of other people using the same products
I am to get healthy and I found them so awesome that I had to share them with
everyone!!! If there was a mountaintop near me, I'd climb (or crawl) to the top and shout it out, they are so inspiring!!! Since Feb 12, I have lost 16 lbs, which means I
only have 65 to go until I reach my goal, which is really exciting. These
products are easily incorporated into any other healthy eating plan, like
Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, Jenny Craig, etc. or just watching your
calories, fat content, or carbs. They promote overall health and wellness, so they're also great for those who don't necessarily have weightloss as a goal but just want to enhance their body's natural functions.
Please help me spread the word about this awesome program and sharing this post with anyone you know who might be interested. I would love to help as many people as possible get healthy this year!!! The journey is easier when you do it with friends! More pictures and success stories are available on my facebook page!/pages/AmaXYNG-Oklahoma/199588176808595
Serena Please help me spread the word about this awesome program and sharing this post with anyone you know who might be interested. I would love to help as many people as possible get healthy this year!!! The journey is easier when you do it with friends! More pictures and success stories are available on my facebook page!/pages/AmaXYNG-Oklahoma/199588176808595
#1) Dan & Melissa C (In this pic, Melissa is a size 11 but now, she’s a 7)
Finding a health and wellness solution for my husband and me with these products was an unexpected blessing to say the least. Nine years ago at the age of 41, Dan suffered a severe stroke that nearly took his life after years of uncontrolled high blood pressure, extreme stress from his corporate management job, and being 100 plus pounds overweight. The doctors told us if we didn’t control his blood pressure and lose the weight his chances of having a second stroke he wouldn’t survive were extremely high. We’ve tried everything from fad diets to prescriptions, to exercise, but nothing gave us lasting results as the weight always came back. The guilt I felt for not being able to help my husband contributed to my own weight gain, as I turned to food for comfort. Waking up every day wondering if it would be our last together consumed me with fear. After years of this, our doctor suggested our only option would be gastric bypass surgery for Dan, but we were unable to find a doctor willing to perform the risky procedure on someone with a history of a stroke. We were completely devastated and felt we had nowhere to turn.
In July of 2011, I was invited to an event called a Cheat N Eat by my sister-in-law. She had been using these products for several months, and thought they would be beneficial to us as well. I learned about the products, sampled a few of them and couldn’t wait to get home to tell Dan we may have found our answer! We ordered the IGNITE pack, and in our first 8 days I lost 11 pounds and Dan lost 14 pounds. We took one day off and, after another 8 days, repeated our results and felt great!
Since July 2011, we’ve continued using all of the products and are having great success. In September, Dan’s blood pressure medicine was reduced by half and he was asked by our doctor to return in 3 weeks to be sure it stabilized. He didn’t actively try to lose more pounds during this time, but continued using some of the products. We were so excited 3 weeks later to find his blood pressure had stabilized, and that he had lost another 5 pounds! Our doctor was just amazed, especially when the results from Dan’s Chem 7 blood tests came back all in the “normal” range!
As of January 1, 2012, I have lost over 60 pounds and I’m now wearing a size 7!!! Dan has lost over 80 pounds. We both agree we’ve never felt better, and we know that with the help of these products, we have finally taken control of our health, and look forward everyday to the great life we have ahead of us.
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