Friday, July 24, 2009

Meal Plans for busy families that will save you money, too

This site offers meal plans, recipes, and grocery shopping lists for families and for couples...plans include point system, low fat, low carb, vegitarian, and plans for several different grocery stores - based on the stores weekly sale ads. Its a great resource and you should check it out!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Summer, for my family, means that our kids (all four of them) sleep a little later in the morning and take a bit more time to get around. Appointments and activities are later in the day, but are more fun that the typical hum-drum of being in school with picnics and visits to the park, an occasional movie, and trips to local museums. Baseball, swimming, going to the lake and spending late nights out front with the neighbors are routine. Video games occupy us on rainy days and we make trips to the library. The kids are having fun and Mom is a bit more stressed out at times, but its summer and that's the way its supposed to be, right?

As it nears the first day of school, I cant help but wonder if this summer has been the best it could be? Have we spent enough time just enjoying the company of our family, friends and loved ones? I think there are times when I have been so focused on all the things I have to do before an activity or on all the things I'm neglecting while we're doing something else to really allow myself to have a good time with my children. I've spent several days wasting away time on facebook and twitter, and that means I've not given my all to my kids. We've eaten out more than we should,which means we're not eating as healthy and we're spending way too much money. I think that Summertime has become a time for me to be lazy, as a mom, and thats not good.

I've also been lazy in my relationship with Christ. My family and I have skipped church way too many weekends and I've ignored my prayer life and my personal time with the Lord. I know I turn to Him when I need something, but I haven't spent near enough time praising Him for the blessings of Summer. I also haven't used this time to teach my children about these blessings from above. They love to be outside playing in the sun, with their friends, and expending their energy - each of those things is an amazing blessing from the Lord and it is my job to remind them of that.

I think that I will challenge myself to use the last few weeks of summertime to remember and focus on whats most important - my relationships! My relationship with my Lord, my husband, and each of my kids. I will unplug theTV, log out of facebook and step away from twitter each day to spend time with them, meaningful time, and will put the Lord back onto my priority list. Will you? Are there relationships that deserve more of you? Think about it.